How to earn money from Amazon

how to earn money from amazon

Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) is a publicly-traded company that is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. It began as a modest online book vendor and has now expanded to become the world’s largest online retailer. Amazon merchants offer a wide range of products for both consumers and companies. While various e-commerce platforms, such as eBay, Shopify, Walmart, and Etsy, make it simple to sell things online. But Amazon’s market share of online shopping in 2021 was 38.7%, which was the highest, while Walmart’s had only 5.3 percent. Amazon is by far the most popular internet retailer.

But what can you do if you want a piece of the Amazon pie?

There is a ton of amazing methods to make money on Amazon, so this article delves into the top ways to make money on Amazon in 2022 to help you figure out which option could work best for you. 

Let’s get started!

how to earn money from amazon

Sell your own private label items

Private labeling is an uncomplicated notion. You buy your products from a manufacturer but label and market them under your own name. Amazon Basics is the best example of a successful private label. Amazon does not make the products; instead, it buys them from other companies. The e-commerce behemoth then offers them as Amazon Basics.

Sell wholesale goods on Amazon

Wholesale is a simple idea that relates to buying things in quantity and then reselling them to consumers. 

However, it’s likely that you’ll resale such items as single units or small groups. That’s where the money is made! It’s just basic economics.

This is typically a competitive sector, with wholesalers competing for the lowest feasible bottom line prices. You may not be able to generate a big profit unless you have your own warehouse space to store things, allowing you to avoid relying solely on Amazon’s FBA program and keeping products in their warehouse.

Become a blogger

As a blogger, one of the most basic ways to make large money on Amazon without selling anything is to promote other people’s products. If your audience clicks on the affiliate link and makes a purchase, you will be paid a commission. In most cases, the Amazon affiliate receives between 4% and 10% of the product’s purchase price. It’s simple to join the Amazon affiliate program, and it can pay you handsomely.

become a blogger to earn money

Work from home as an Amazon representative or as a Virtual Assistant

Amazon is gradually becoming one of the world’s largest employers. Amazon presently has around 650,000 employees. Naturally, not every one of those workers works at Amazon’s Seattle headquarters. 

Many Amazon employees, in fact, work remotely from the comfort of their own homes. As a full-time representative, you may expect to earn around $30,000 per year. The role determines how much money you make as a work-from-home Amazon employee. Or become a virtual assistant for the people who sell their products on amazon. Create, manage and optimize their campaigns and sales and get your wage transferred to your account.

Handcraft your own items to sell on Amazon through Amazon Handmade

Clothing, jewelry, accessories, art, and other artisan goods can be sold on Amazon Handmade. For handcrafted vendors, Amazon makes things easier and more affordable than for other types of sellers. A professional selling account costs $39.99 per month, but this amount is eliminated for handcrafted vendors. Simply pay a 15% referral fee on all sales.

hand crafted product to sell on amazon

Sell items without owning any inventory by drop-shipping

Dropshipping enables you to sell things without ever having to own the inventory. Simply, you advertise things for sale, and once a consumer places an order, you buy the product from your supplier at a discounted price and have them ship the order to your customer. 

As a vendor, you make money without ever having to touch or see the item! All logistics will be handled by your provider.

make money from amazon

This year, make that money!

That’s all there is to it. There are six excellent methods to profit from Amazon. 

There are probably even more options than the six I’ve listed (dropshipping, for example), but for now, this list should get you started in the right direction.